The Professional Dog Walkers Code In association with Brighton & Hove City Council
Professional Dog Walkers agree to clean up after the dogs in their charge in line with current dog fouling legislation. As a professional service, setting an example to members of the public.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to keep dogs under proper control in line with the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and The Dogs Act 1871.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to make themselves aware of the laws and byelaws relating to dogs.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to minimise the impact exercising multiple dogs have on other park users, therefore avoiding causing concern to members of the public.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to attach identification to dogs whilst in their charge that hold contact details of the company.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to provide appropiate insurance cover for the service.
Professional Dog Walkers agree only to exercise the number of dogs, which are covered by their insurance policy, and exercise adequate control in line with canine legislation.
Professional Dog Walkers agree to transport dogs in vehicles fitted with adequate ventilation and extraction so as not to cause them distress, especially during hot weather. And provide water as necessary.
Professional Dog walkers agree to provide adequate caging/containment within vehicles to safely travel the dogs.
Professional Dog walkers agree not to restrain dogs by leashes or chains within the vehicles. If necessary cage doors should be fitted.
Professional Dog Walkers agree they should have a good knowledge of dog behaviour and skills in dog training and handling skills.